

125th street. Harlem. It was here that my political icon Malcolm X delivered speeches, inspired a nation, and changed the future for people of color in America forever. It was also here, during my college years, that I could escape the environment of rhetoric saturated higher education and clear my mind. A walk down the bustling historical street was therapeutic, there was, and still is, a peace for me among the chaos. It was my last stop before heading to Newark airport. Like the those writing messages on the wall of the Apollo to the late Michael Jackson, I too said good-bye - to New York City.

1 comment:

Tezcatlipoca said...

It is great to read that you can distinguish the Trees from the Forrest. Learn to adap in this postmodern world as everything is blurred to advantage some and disadvantage others. Remember there is a system in place, learn it, and adapt to it so that you wont get bamboozled or hoodwinked by those using code words to defeat freedom, acess and opportunity for the people.

You deserve the mountain top and more. Remember merit often is an illusion used to keep things in their place and ordered.