
Gang Signs

Everyone needs a gang sign. We can detest violent gangs for alot of things, but not for their hand signals. We as Americans are obsessed with them. A&M has its thumbs, Texas Tech has its hand pistols, SMU has its bunny/pony ears, Houston has the double entendre index, middle, and pinky cougar paw, and the University of Texas has the best of them all. It is not the best because we are the better football team, but because we flash it with pride every time and everywhere. Whenever I travel to a new place in the world I always take at least two pictures with the most important landmarks: one normal smiling and one with the horns raised proud. As unorthodox as I am, I am certain this is the norm for many a Texas fan. It is part of us, it is a source of pride, and it is the visual representation of that which we love.

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