
Mirabella Gardens

Salzburg was the setting for my sister's favorite movie The Sound of Music.  Although I didn't get to see too many of the sites from the classic, I did get to spend the afternoon in this garden - the one in which Do Re Mi was sung (I think).  Even the pictures can't capture the vivid colors.  They definitely can't capture the smells of the flowers.

1 comment:

Tezcatlipoca said...

Junrui Chang says:
Junrui let me put this here: For some reason, I could not been reading google blogs for a month include yours and my own. But I read you everyday via your father's eyes. He download and sent me every picture you put on your posts. You are doing great job and making yourself a fantastic man. I will write comments as long as i could open google blogs. Stay save, say hi to Max and enjoy your trip.