
One Night in Paris

I grew the 'stache so I could look the part in what is my favorite city of the entire trip.  I hope its not a cop out to claim that Paris is my number 1. My blog doesn't reach the depths required for a proper exposition of why the city has captured my attention.  The architecture, sights, diversity, food, and style are all obvious reasons - although some, including my cousin, could legitimately argue the food point.   As a person who purposively doesn't watch movie previews I made an effort not to judge based on preconceptions.  I couldn't help it. However, Paris, above all other cities, met and surpassed its reputation. I'm already figuring out how I can get back for an extended stay next summer.  These picks were taken on our last day in the city before flying out.  I had to say good-bye, or au-revoir, for now.

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